Aspen Corporate Pty Ltd
Aspen Corp • 24 November 2024

When overseas workers are Australian employees

The Fair Work Commission has determined that a Philippines based “independent contractor” was an employee unfairly dismissed by her Australian employer.

Like us, you are probably curious how a foreign national living in the Philippines, who had an ‘independent contractors’ agreement with an Australian company, could be classified as an Australian employee by the Fair Work Commission?

The recent case of Ms Joanna Pascua v Doessel Group Pty Ltd highlights just some of the issues Australian businesses face when working with overseas contractors and staff.

What underpinned the Fair Work decision?

Ms Pascua worked under contract as a legal assistant, investigating credit claims on clients’ behalf, for a specialist credit repair legal firm based in Queensland between 21 July 2022 until 20 March 2024. She worked from home in the Philippines, using her own computer, a firm email address and a PBX phone system that gave the appearance that she was calling from the legal office.

The contract described the relationship as one of an independent contractor, with the standard clauses that the firm will not be liable for any other benefits or remuneration other than what was specified and that the firm was not liable for taxes, worker’s compensation, unemployment insurance, employer’s liability, social security or other entitlements. Ms Pascua also bore a liability in the event that something went awry with her work.

For her work, Ms Pascua was paid “AUD$18 per hour Salary all inclusive as a Full Time Employee,” capped at 8 hours per day, 5 days per week, excluding breaks. While working with the firm, Ms Pascua used a firm supplied pro forma invoice to bill 83 weekly invoices at the full hours allowable and 28 other invoices for lesser amounts when she worked less than 40 hours in the week.

For the first 12 months of her time with the legal firm she was supervised by a solicitor. Within 12 months, her work was unsupervised, and in the last 7 months of the relationship, she was the only person conducting investigative work.

Underpinning the Fair Work Commission’s decision were the recent High Court cases that changed the way in which disputes over the nature of employment relationships are determined (CFMMEU v. Personnel Contracting Pty Ltd and ZG Operations Pty Ltd and Jamsek). Whereas once the courts looked at the substance of the overall arrangement (let’s call it the ‘if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, then it’s a duck’ principal), now greater weight is given to the contract, with reference to the rights and duties created by that contract.

To determine this case, the FWC stepped through the contract clause by clause to evaluate whether it suggested an employment or independent contractor relationship, and looked at how these clauses were brought into effect.

In this case, on weight, the FWC determined Ms Pascua was an employee because the contract indicated that Ms Pascua was required to perform work “in the business of another”, instead of for her own enterprise. The contract suggested that:

  • Despite being described as a paralegal, she did not appear to be working in a distinct profession, trade or distinct calling. Her contract outlined administrative tasks and ad hoc duties.
  • The contract did not enable her to assign the work to another.
  • While there were daily targets in the contract – a result that she was expected to achieve – these tasks referenced weekly requirements and often could be carried over, suggesting ongoing work.
  • There was a level of control exerted by the legal firm over how Ms Pascua performed her work that suggests she was not running her own enterprise – the PBX phone system, the email address, the level of direction in the tasks to be performed in the daily instruction she received.
  • Despite being invoiced by Ms Pascua, the hourly rate described in the contract was that of a full-time employee, and the invoices were to be forwarded weekly for the previous week’s work. The FWC also noted that the most likely rate for Ms Pascua as an employee would be $30.95 per hour (the casual rate for level 2 legal clerical work). To this, the FWC noted that genuine independent contractors would normally specify a fee that was greater, not less, than the minimum wage.

The FWC found that the description of the arrangement as that of independent contractor belied the actual nature of the contract.

When it came to the clauses excluding matters such as the payment of income tax, workers compensation, annual and personal leave relied on by the legal firm as confirmation of an independent contractor arrangement, the FWC referred to the Deliveroo Australia Pty Ltd v Diego Franco case and others. That is, the FWC considers, “the statements in the contract about meeting the obligations consequent upon the labelling of the arrangement as one of independent contractor to have little weight in determining the true nature of the relationship.”

The new definition of employee and employer

In August 2024, a new definition of what is an employee and employer came into effect in the Fair Work Act. This new definition extends the High Court’s decision in CFMMEU v. Personnel Contracting Pty Ltd and ZG Operations Pty Ltd and Jamsek to rely on the nature of the contract between the parties, not just what the contract says. The intent of the legislative change appears to be to ensure that clever drafting of a contract alone will not be sufficient to define an independent contractor arrangement.

The Fair Work Act now requires that the true relationship between the parties is, “determined by ascertaining the real substance, practical reality and true nature of the relationship between the individual and the person.” The totality of the relationship needs to be considered including how the contract is performed in practice.

What does this decision mean for employers?

The FWC’s decision in Ms Joanna Pascua v Doessel Group Pty Ltd highlights how cautious employers should be about the nature of employment relationships. Just because you label an arrangement as that of an independent contractor, does not mean it is. And if you get it wrong, beyond the industrial relations impact, you might be liable for the tax, payroll tax and workers compensation payments that should have been made.

What makes this decision unusual is how an international employment arrangement can be drawn into the national workplace system. Regardless of the geographic location of an employee, if your business is an Australian national system employer (bound by the Fair Work Act), and the individual is deemed to be an employee, the same rights and obligations may apply to that employee as to other employees located in Australia. 

While not addressed in this case, the FWC also referred to the minimum wage for a paralegal performing work such as that undertaken by Ms Pascua. While not applicable to this case, from 1 January 2025, wage theft will become a criminal offence - where an employer is required to pay an amount to an employee but intentionally underpays. For international employees where rates might be significantly different to Australian expectations, it is more important than ever to ensure you have characterised the employment relationship correctly.

Tax obligations and international workers

We’re often asked about the implications of working with overseas, non-resident workers who are working for a resident Australian company.

Let’s say you want to engage the services of a non-resident individual.

Contactor or employee?

The first step is to ensure that the arrangement is correctly classified. As we have seen from the Ms Joanna Pascua v Doessel Group Pty Ltd case, this really depends on the specific situation. From a tax perspective, the ATO has outlined their guidance in Employee or independent contractor, but you might need specific advice if you are uncertain.

Implications of an employment relationship

If the worker is classified as an employee and they are a non-resident for Australian tax purposes, then they should only be taxed in Australia on income that has an Australian source. However, you need to check whether a double tax agreement (DTA) could impact on the outcome – Australia has around 45 bilateral DTAs. For example, if the employee was a resident of say the Philippines, then Article 15 of the double tax agreement (DTA) between Australia and the Philippines generally prevents Australia from taxing the employment income unless the work is performed in Australia.

Pay as you go (PAYG) withholding should not generally apply if the worker is a non-resident employee and is only deriving foreign sourced income. Generally, PAYG does not need to be withheld under the PAYGW rules from a payment of salary / wages to someone if the payments are not taxed in Australia.

Superannuation guarantee should not apply if all the work is performed overseas, and the worker is a non-resident.

It will be important to get specialist advice in the employee’s country of residency to determine whether there are any obligations that need to be satisfied under local tax or super systems (e.g., withholding, superannuation or superannuation like contributions, etc). 

Tax implications of independent contractors

If the worker is classified as a genuine independent contractor (or they are working through a trust or company) and they are a non-resident, then they should only be taxed in Australia on Australian sourced income. Using the same example, if the contractor is a resident of the Philippines, then Article 7 of the DTA would generally prevent Australia from taxing their business profits or income unless they relate to a permanent establishment that the contractor has in Australia (see Will a foreign worker mean your business is carrying on a business overseas? below).

PAYG withholding should not apply as long as:

  • The contractor provides an ABN; or
  • A DTA prevents the income from being taxed in Australia; or
  • The contractor does not carry on an enterprise in Australia. If the contractor performs all their work overseas, they don't have any physical presence or employees in Australia, then it might be possible to argue that they don't carry on an enterprise in Australia. The company could ask the contractor to complete a statement by supplier.

Payments to foreign contractors might need to be reported to the ATO on the taxable payment annual report (TPAR) if your business provides building and construction, cleaning, courier and road freight, IT or security, investigation or surveillance services.

Will a foreign worker mean your business is carrying on a business overseas?

By having foreign workers, there is a risk that the business will be considered to be carrying on a business through a permanent establishment in the relevant foreign country. This could potentially expose an Australian business to tax in the foreign country on some of its business profits.

A permanent establishment is generally defined in Australia’s double tax agreements as being a fixed place of business through which the business of the enterprise is carried on in whole or part. Each DTA is a unique document which means that the definition of permanent establishment might be different depending on which foreign country you are dealing with.

This area can become complex very quickly and it is a good idea to get advice to ensure that you have certainty about your obligations.

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