A series of high-profile examples of businesses underpaying their employees has brought the need to get payroll right into sharp focus.
Complex award and enterprise agreements can complicate payroll obligations, in terms of both regular salary and wages and the ongoing need to pay employee superannuation. On top of that, from 1 March 2020, changes commence for annualised wage arrangements that will increase the compliance burden on some businesses.
The new rules impact on full time employees paid an annual wage under one of 16 Awards. Under the rules, an employee's annual wage can't be less than what they would've been paid over the year if they were paid all of their award entitlements for their work. If you pay your team above the award entitlements, then you can continue to pay an annualised salary without using the annual wage arrangements. If you have team members on a minimum wage however, there are additional obligations.
Fair Work states that employers need to record the annual wage arrangement in writing and give their employees a copy. This has to include:
The employer must also record the employee's:
The introduction of single touch payroll (STP), has standardised the payroll process. Virtually all businesses will be on STP by July this year with closely held businesses moving to STP (closely held payees receive payments that are not at arm's length, generally family members of a family business, directors or shareholders of a company, or beneficiaries of a trust).
For businesses that employ backpackers, there is a separate registration scheme that needs to be followed.
There are two key components to getting payroll right:
It’s more than just reducing expenses or helping you improve profitability today. It's about fast tracking your success by taking the time to build a shared vision of your best future. Backed with dedicated and unparalleled team industry leading expertise, empowering you with the tools and guidance to make informed decisions, streamline your financial processes, raise the bar on what’s possible and help you achieve your business goals more efficiently.
The most valuable thing to our success is you. The most valuable thing to you is time.
With over thirty years of experience, we know that a good business stems from the roots; from our people.
We offer a unique combination of taxation, accounting, financial and advisory services tailored to the individual requirements of your business.
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