Setting up myGovID
The government will cease using AUSkey to transaction with their online services by late March 2020. From 25 January 2020, myGovID will become the default login option for the online services for agents and clients who access the business tax portal.
myGovID is an authentication service that allows the users to prove who they are online. It is available as an app through the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and is compatible with Apple devices using iOS 10 or above and any Android device using Android 7.0 or above.
myGovID is separate from the more familiar myGov and cannot be used to access myGov yet.
In order to setup your myGovID, you will need:
The steps required to set up myGovID are as follows:
The following are relevant Australian identity documents for myGovID:
Once the myGovID is setup, you can link your myGovID to a business via Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM), by logging to the RAM website.
Once in there, you can link your business' Australian Business Number (ABN) to your myGovID account. (Note: If your business is new and not yet on the ABR, you may need to wait until this process is completed first.)
The principal authority of the business will have to link their myGovID to their ABN in RAM first. Then they can set up and import authorisations for other employees via RAM.
If you want our assistance with setting this up for you, please contact your Aspen Corporate Advisor who will walk through the process with you. However, you will need to have a copy of the documents listed above ready for our conversation.
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