Aspen Corporate Pty Ltd
Domenic Tartaglia • 1 September 2018

What you need to know about ATO Scams

Do you know the signs to look out for to protect yourself against scammers claiming to be from the ATO?   

Tax time always sees an increase in scammers claiming to be from the ATO, and recently several Aspen clients have been contacted by someone purporting to be from the ATO, demanding immediate payment for a fake debt. In each instance the client got in touch with their Aspen contact, and we were able to confirm it was a scam.

Scammers use a number of methods of communication including email, text, phone calls and voice mail.  Typically they either offer you a tax refund, requesting your credit card details to make payment, or they demand payment for a fee or tax debt, often threatening legal or court action.  

Never pay anything until you have confirmed the charges with your tax accountant.  

Suspicious signs include:

  • poor grammar and spelling in written correspondence;
  • insufficient information, such as your name, address or tax file number;
  • demanding immediate payment;
  • demanding payment in Bitcoin or iTunes, store gift cards or pre-paid visa cards, or asks for your credit card details; and
  • an aggressive or threatening manner, including threatening legal or court action.

Aspen Corporate can access our client's ATO details online, and as your registered tax agent, the ATO should inform us of any refunds or debts.  If you are contacted by someone claiming to be from the ATO, we advise that you take their details, call Aspen Corporate immediately and let us deal with the matter for you.

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