The Property Code of Conduct is to be introduced through legislation, or regulation by state and territory governments. A copy of the Code is attached to the statement issued by National Cabinet and is available here.
The new Property Code of Conduct for Commercial Landlords has now been released and whilst everyone acknowledges that tenants need assistance, there also appears to be a consensus that if we remove our tenant and landlord hats, the fact is that commercial landlords have been treated unfairly.
No fair-minded landlord would dispute that deferred payments without penalty interest and a reasonable period to catch up on the deferred amounts is fair and reasonable. However, the introduction of waivers is not what was put forward by the property bodies as being a fair and reasonable addition.
During a property market crash you did not see a tenant approaching a landlord offering to increase rent to compensate the landlord for their losses, and during a property market boom landlord's did not offer to share their upside with their tenants. The fact is that the landlord takes the risk of being a property investor, and the tenant takes the risk of operating a business.
We also need to consider that banks have not been forced to waive interest or write off principal, all they are doing is deferring.
Why should landlords be asked to do any more than a bank is asked to do and be forced to waive rent when they never chose to be in businesses? They are just landlords. If they do not employ people, they are not even entitled to many of the Government incentives.
Also while some tenants may have had a decrease in revenue, wages have dropped and margins may have increased, so the impact on their bottom line is not as large as the drop in revenue may suggest.
General Observations
This is a difficult and testing time for tenants and landlords. Patience and goodwill is required by both parties, as further updates will be forthcoming which may assist in clarifying positions of both tenants and landlords.
*( Refer definition (1 & 2) of the code Financial Stress or Hardship & also Sufficient and accurate information as well as other definitions)
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