If you are a property investor who is looking to pay less tax and increase your income streams, then you should make sure you have a tax depreciation report.
Up to 80% of investors do not take advantage of property depreciation by organising a tax depreciation report (also referred to as a tax depreciation schedule).
Depreciation doesn’t require an expense to claim. It is the natural process of wear and tear, reducing tax liabilities for investors with minimal outlay.
Depreciation for investment properties is divided into two categories:
According to the ATO, the average property investors depreciation claimed in the 2018/19 financial year was $3,885 – on average $2,571 capital works, and $1,314 in plant and equipment. Property owners who had organised a depreciation report in the FY 2018/19 claimed on average $8,260 - $4,300 more than the ATO average.
A depreciation report is a detailed document that includes:
A good report will break down your plant and equipment depreciation by two methods:
These give you different options for claiming depreciation on your assets depending on your needs, Aspen Corporate can work with you to decide which method will best suit your tax needs.
The good news - the cost of the depreciation report is 100% tax deductible.
If you think you need a depreciation report or would like to have your existing schedule reviewed, contact your Aspen Corporate advisor today.
It’s more than just reducing expenses or helping you improve profitability today. It's about fast tracking your success by taking the time to build a shared vision of your best future. Backed with dedicated and unparalleled team industry leading expertise, empowering you with the tools and guidance to make informed decisions, streamline your financial processes, raise the bar on what’s possible and help you achieve your business goals more efficiently.
The most valuable thing to our success is you. The most valuable thing to you is time.
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